• Accordion Button 1
    • This is an accordion item. After saving or previewing your page, clicking on any of the accordion buttons will expand their corresponding accordion item. It can be a pretty neat way to display a large list of information without overwhelming the user.
  • Accordion Button 2
    • This is your second accordion item. To add additional items to this list just hit enter
    • After pressing enter, you'll have a new bullet point to add information to. All bullet points at this level correspond to the accordion button one level above. Each time you hit enter after this will take your bullet point up one level until you exit the accordion template.
  • Accordion Button 3
    • This is your third accordion item. Want to get fancy? Try making a sub accordion item. Hit enter like you are adding to your list, but instead add a title for your accordion button and make it bold. Then hit enter twice to create a new accordion level and add your content
    • Sub Button 1
      • Here is some fancy new content.
    • Sub Button 2
      • And here is some more fancy content.!